“The Lord your God has arrived to live among you. He is a mighty Saviour. He will rejoice over you with great gladness. With his love, he will calm your fears. He will exalt over you by singing a happy song.” Zephaniah 3:17[NLT]
we’re sitting on the alphabet rug at preschool, jo and i, probably singing “elephants have wrinkles.” an unlikely time to grasp a great new truth.
but we’re singing, clapping and swaying, as i said, when teacher marci looks at her sixteen preschoolers and says, “you know, they’re all such a delight in so many ways.”
and they really are! maddy’s melting smile (and i mean melting). austin’s unfailingly cheerful “okay, teacher marci!” bryant’s exuberance over everything, from saltines with peanut butter to a tower of pegs. mariah’s priceless giggles.
sometimes i feel pretty undelightful. i feel regret over past mistakes. i fail to show my love to the people i love most. my days are too busy to be beautiful and i forget to pray…again.
but just imagine with me that it’s eternity now. we’re in the new Jerusalem, a golden city illuminated by the light of the Son. and it’s been countless ages that we’ve been gathered round the throne; we, the redeemed…people of every kindred, tribe and nation, singing praises to the Lamb.
can’t you just imagine the Father looking over the diverse multitudes, beaming at each one a grin of tender joy and love? then reaching over to tap Jesus on the shoulder and whisper, “you know, they’re all such a delight, in so many ways.”
that’s my God.