Friday, September 26, 2008

you should try...

...a race with your dad braid your own hair
...raw oysters climb a silo carve an apple
...eggnog stare at a friend for three minutes
...screaming as loud as you can
...a coconut
...staying up all night
In Penmanship class yesterday we made lists of the many things you should try. Don't you love these suggestions? =)
Try something exotic, sixth grade style!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


time has come to post about my work, teaching... life these days.
i've had a few arduous weeks of preparing, and the to-do list is always present.
but we have progressed from this bare chaos
(thanks, denise)

to a room that now feels like a schoolroom.


sometimes the prep is loads of fun.
wouldn't you like to dig up grass roots in the rain?
listen carefully to popcorn popping on a friday afternoon?
dissect a petunia?
color your fingerprints with washable markers?
write your initials in cuneiform?

sometimes the prep is overwhelming.
i remind myself of psalm 127:1-3:
except the Lord build the house, they labor in vain that build it:
except the Lord build the city, the watchman waketh but in vain.
it is vain for you to rise up early,
to sit up late...
seriously, i like that verse.
in a teacher paraphrase,
'except the Lord be in your classroom,
you multiply lesson plans,
grade every paper,
decorate each classroom corner,
but in vain.'
i'm off to prepare for tomorrow...
with Him.