Friday, September 26, 2008

you should try...

...a race with your dad braid your own hair
...raw oysters climb a silo carve an apple
...eggnog stare at a friend for three minutes
...screaming as loud as you can
...a coconut
...staying up all night
In Penmanship class yesterday we made lists of the many things you should try. Don't you love these suggestions? =)
Try something exotic, sixth grade style!


Anonymous said...

Those are great, I love 'em! I should make a list like that sometime.

Anonymous said...

those are cute!

Morgan said...

That's awesome. Well, we are home from the car. Pat said that she really wants to email you sometime so you can keep your eyes open for that. This week Mariah is at Mayo and so I guess I get to bomb around home mostly. Should be great. =) Love ya

Laura said...

Sounds terrific. What a creative bunch of students!

Although one of them reminds me of when a van load of girls were at a rally (not one of ours, but another) and everyone was high strung and spazzing about one thing or another (probably mostly guys, knowing the girls!) and one of them said, "Okay, let's just get this all over with and scream for once." And we all screamed in unison and felt much calmer after that.

Immature, perhaps. But refreshing, in a way. :)

Anonymous said...

Brooke! I love peeking at your life through your blog. Your students are blessed to have an amazing lady like you be their teacher! Miss ya!
