Sunday, June 20, 2010

dryden trip

At long last...some pictures of our family's time in Dryden, Ontario. As a family getaway and a chance to help the NYP mission, we spent four days in Canada doing work projects. The pictures tell more succinctly. As a credit, many of these are not my own, but my sister's snapshots.

A reminder of God's particular, His presence and purpose
for this wayfarer in her transitioning.

Caitlin with Connor and Erika on the dock. What beautiful scenery we saw as we walked, or boated on the lake, or experienced in the view from the kitchen window!

A fun game of...hmmm...Swing the Triangle?
Instructions for Fun Use: 5 people hanging from triangles, 5 pushers to give extra momentum, and a strong grip as you swing and fly!

We were introduced to Indian bannock via our friends. Delicious in a blanket around a hot dog. I hear it is also great fried in oil. Thanks to Letha we have the recipe, and we'll give it a try.

Caitlin, Chelsea, Cameron, Brooke and Megan waiting for the next assignment.
We cleaned apartments, shampooed carpets, stained playground equipment, washed windows, and many other things. It was good to work as a family again.

An evening treat at McD's. Letha, Jen, Kendra, and Morgan.

This picture shimmers with evening glow. Three of my siblings surely enjoyed their rides in Norm's two-seater. What a thrill!
Sunset at the point was just as much of a treat to me.
So, a good trip with many memories.
I'd do it again in a jiffy! =)


Amanda Weaver said...

great pics Brooke!! It looks like you really had a good time!!!

Carita said...

Looks like a lovely trip!

Minnie said...

the last pic of the plane and clouds and stuff, is hands down the prettiest picture ive seen in a long time! it is simply beyond words! good job. :) im enjoyed seeing all the other pics too. chel told me about your time up there but i didnt see any pics really.

Abigail Kramer said...

Thanks for sharing! That last picture is very pretty.