Friday, April 10, 2009

spring reminder

''the time of the singing of birds is come..."

reminders of spring...

***the perfume of daffodil bouquets
***the campfire and picnic at miss vinar's house
***the day we scribbled spelling on the driveway
***open doors letting fresh, brisk breezes into the room
***morning walks by the river

as i see the rushing river running beneath the bridge,

as i smell the daffodil perfume on my woodland walk,

as i feel the gentle warmth of sunlight on my face,

i sense a real reminder of God's everlasting care.

winter will never fail to pass;

spring, never cease to come again...

joy, to come like morning dew after the drenching storm.

1 comment:

Morgan said...

Okay, so I can finally say that spring is coming up here too. =) Can't wait to have you home!