Wednesday, June 15, 2011

complete in thee

sunset over lake erie

Complete in Thee—each want supplied,
And no good thing to me denied;
Since Thou my portion, Lord, wilt be,
I ask no more, complete in Thee.
--Aaron Robarts Wolfe


This hymn blessed me today... 'tis the reason I can fully rest these weeks. No matter the pull of change, no matter the challenges that await me as I return to the 'non-vacation world.' No matter to-do lists, sewing, my own prayers or weaknesses. He is enough!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

beauty of spring

seems we are going by seasons here. =) well, spring is on my mind just now and 'tis the pictures i have to share with you. guys mills is like minnesota in one key way-spring is a long time coming, so when it comes we double rejoice.

all is grace only because all can transfigure. -ann voskamp

Sunday, March 13, 2011

winter term in pictures

a view from our sledding hill

1 Corinthians class by David Yoder

good friends...

then enemies?

quietest place of study - the student lounge

These pictures I credit to the yearbook file. =)


We had a good discussion in the dorm the other night about redemption. It involved the discussing of real people and events, and our inside responses to these disappointing tales.

Dare we believe in redemption? When we hear of a young girl running away from home, then living in a state of struggling rebellion? The young un-wed mother, facing a lifelong consequence of her choice? Our own messy failings?

Oh, my. Hopeless, we think. You have thrown your life away.

I dare say there is real hope. From our discussion, “God can redeem and work in that marriage. True, it may be messier. But He can use that relationship to work what He wants.”

It is only when I believe this, when I stop trying to piece together the why’s and how’s, the many bits of this puzzle of human frailty, that I can see His overarching redemption.

I got a little glimpse of it last night. This story was told with many difficult pieces, many lost dreams. But in it all was a thread of redemption. We talked about how God redeems in small ways, minute ways. His redemption is not always the "glory, hallelujah" I sometimes picture. Although I do believe in His awesome deliverance, it is not always as all-encompassing or immediate as I might hope.

I am praying that my eyes will be open and my hands will be free to receive any picture His redemptive love gives to me.

A few pictures...

...the girl finds shelter in the home of a caring single woman

...the young mother is given a loving husband

...i hear His love in the rhythm of daily life

...a dormie extends love through past hurts in her own way

This is the redemption that God is working in my world. How do you see Him?