Welcome to Room C! Walk on in, find a seat, and stay awhile! These are some of the things you might observe...
You might SEE...
*fraction problems on the chalkboard
*students working at the whiteboard with their spelling words
*yeast cells through the microscope
*word wheels on the wall (a thesaurus activity)
*35 animal tracks missing, which means 35 days down
*stacks of books on Miss Vinar's desk
You might FEEL...
*exhausted after a soccer game
*excited about a marvelous, new wall map
*tired of working through long math problems
You might HEAR...
*spelling word practice with clapping
*The Little Princess or The Tales of Jemima Puddle-Duck on tape
*Thanksgiving program practice
*requests to play soccer or volleyball
*storytime...and requests to continue
You might SMELL...
*moldy bread or strange mushrooms for Science class
*bananas and cinnamon for a Latin American treat
*wafts of good dinner smells on hot lunch day
*new books and pencil lead
You might TOUCH...
*the velvety underside of a chingapin leaf
*a soft piece of moss
Would love to have any of you stop in and stay awhile, and you might even be pressed to check a stack of papers or wipe down the board before you leave! =)